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Robotics & Technology
Technology provides us with so many opportunies to be more efficient, manage more data and new ways to perform daily tasks. We see computers, GPS and auto tracking technology as standard tools in cropping, and in the dairy even more technology. Our cows have been milked using robots and a voluntary concept since September 2010. More milkings per day encourage higher production, and more data measured during the milking process is utilized to help make management decisions in the dairy.
De Laval's Herd Navigator is a whole new era of technology. It can really only be explained as a fully integrated health monitoring system for our cows. Navigator is an on farm lab that schedules the testing of milk samples from all the cows on the farm. Reports are generated that identify cows that may benefit from a closer look by the staff. Areas that are currently monitored by Navigator include reproductive health and status of the cow, digestive health of the cow, status of the cows immune system.
presentation summary for technology seminar in Abbotsford 2012